Lansard Bros. Roofing is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment which will protect its staff, its property and the public from injury or occupational disease. We consider health and safety to be our most important responsibility, therefore sacrificing it for the sake of expediency is not acceptable under any circumstance. It is our firm belief that accidents and incidents can be prevented by implementing and enforcing a solid health and safety program.
We’re certified COR (Certificate of Recognition) through the Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM) and also endorsed by Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Department. This certificate acknowledges construction companies who have implemented a comprehensive safety program. In fulfilling this commitment to both people and property, management accepts the responsibility of leadership for the Health and Safety Program, and for its effectiveness and compliance to recognized standards. Management will also provide safeguards, training and necessary protective equipment to ensure safe work conditions, and will lead by example.
Supervisors and Foremen are responsible and accountable for the Health and Safety of the workers assigned to them. Supervisors and Foremen shall ensure:
Workers are ultimately responsible for their own safety, and shall:
Lansard Bros. Roofing employees at every level are responsible and accountable for the success of our company’s overall safety initiatives. These shared responsibilities require complete and active participation by everyone, every day, in every job, and are vital to achieving our goal of safety excellence.

Whether the job is to supply and install roofing, eavestrough and down pipes, siding or soffit and fascia, this section has been created to provide our prospective clients some helpful information on what they should expect before we start the job, while the job is on-going and when the job is completed.

Once you've decided to have us do your work, simply contact your Estimator by phone, email or by fax. The Estimator will then go over the contract with you to ensure that it is clear and understandable and assist you with the final color and style choices. Together you and the Estimator will sign the contract and go over an approximate time frame of when the job will begin.
Our next step is that we will have the materials delivered to your home prior to the scheduled start date. On most roofing projects the shingles are delivered on top of the roof, however in some cases this is not possible so they will be placed on the grounds where they are accessible and not in the way.
Once the materials have arrived we recommend that our clients move items that may be damaged by the required work or may cause a hazard to the workers such as;
Lawn Ornaments
Christmas Lights
Patio Furniture
Tree Branches
Bees Nests
We ask that the homeowner help us to protect other items such as Hot-tubs, flower beds and gardens if they are near the work area.
We ask our customers to activate the exterior electrical outlets for our equipment.
We will coordinate an appropriate parking location with you for our work vehicle and or trailer if required

Our crew will remove items from the roof in order to complete the project as it should be such as Satellite dishes. We will re-fasten the dish to the roof however if you experience signal loss, please contact your service provider to make adjustments.
In the event that electrical supply re-locations or temporary disconnections are required in order for LBR to complete a job, we ask that our clients make the necessary arrangements with MB Hydro or a qualified electrician and coordinate times with us.

Upon completing the job, our crews inspect their work, clean the job site and pick up any nails left behind. The crew will return any leftover material to our office
Our in-house inspector will perform an inspection of the job that was completed.
Our office will email or mail out your invoice.
Upon receipt of your payment in full, Lansard Bros. Roofing will provide you with the validated workmanship warranty and manufacturer warranty certificates.
You, the customer, your friends and family enjoy a beautiful, well protected home for years to come!
If you wish to obtain further information, don’t hesitate to call Winnipeg’s Lansard Bros. Roofing today.